move with the moon

Sweat with the stars

Venus Aerobics is an 80s Aerobics class based off the Moon cycles.

Every sign corresponds to a different part of the body, and every phase of the moon speaks to a different level of energy. So based on where the moon is on a particular day given it’s sign, and phase, that is how the class is built.

For example, if there's a new moon in Leo, we'll take it slow with a restorative, strength based class (since it's a new moon and a time to slow down) targeting the back (since it's in Leo).

Conversely, if there's a full moon in Gemini, we'll do a high intensity cardio class (since the moon is full) with lots of punching (since Gemini corresponds to the arms and lungs).

For the most part, Venus Aerobics is a side project that happens on a whim rather than a set schedule.

I am currently hosting a seven class in-person workshop series with HausWitch in Salem called Celestial Bodies, running through 2024, which you can learn more about and sign up for here

You can keep up with Venus Aerobics through Instagram, or by signing up for the Venus newsletter.

Hire Venus

To inquire about Venus Aerobics for private parties or events, please drop me a line.