
There are many different ways to practice astrology, and many different types of readings one can get.

From medical, to financial, to predictive, to fertility, there are endless ways to examine a chart.

My practice is predominantly natal based, and heavily relational/psychological, through a traditional/hellenistic foundation.

In case that isn’t what you’re looking for, I have compiled this list of astrologers and mystics whose practices I believe in

  • Cameron Cassidy - traditional, medieval

    Sammy Witch - Salem MA - Drag Preistess, Astrologer

    Kevin Soares - Providence RI - Hellenistic Astrologer

    Ursula Rising - Astrologer

    Colin Bedell - Queer Cosmos - Astrologer

  • Regina Verret Foster - medical, fertility, human design

    Diana Rose Harper - Relational Astrologer

    Thea Anderson - Astrologer

    Morgan Lettinsights - Business Astrologer

  • Kira Sutherland - Australia - Medical

    Mychal Bryan - Medical

    Regina Verret Foster - Medical, Fertility

    Karen Crawford - Medical

  • Rectification is for people who don't know their birth time, or place. Through rectification, an astrologer works with the client going through life events to determine the rising sign and degree.

    Ursula Rising - Instagram