Work with me

Single session readings
Multi-session packages

  • Astrology readings

    Natal. Synastry. Horary. Yearly Transits. Specialties.

  • Package Sessions / other services

    Multi-session packages to really get into a dynamic, set goals, & track changes.

My practice

I am trained in traditional astrology, but take a more modern/psychological approach in session.

This means as a practitioner, I am most interested in talking to you about who you are today and empowering you through the understanding of your chart, rather than giving predictions, or prophesying future events.

If you are looking for a predictive approach, or other specializations, please check this list of my colleagues whose work I recommend and respect.

If you book with one of them, please tell them I sent you, and that I love them dearly.


  • Also known as a Birth Chart reading.

    We will take a deep dive into what the sky reflected at the time of your birth, explore how that shows up in your life today, and make meaning of this cosmic imprint in your life.

    Time permitting, we will end with a brief overview of what transits are happening for you currently, and what is coming up ahead.


  • The astrology of a relationships as examined through the connections between two peoples charts together.

    Proof of required from both parties.

    Preferred that both parties are present for the session.


  • We will skip the birth chart analysis and dive right into what is going on for you now, and what is coming up for you astrologically in the year ahead.


  • The astrology of a single question examined through the chart of the moment the question was asked.

  • We will spend the whole hour talking about what your chart has to say about relationships, love, and connection. What you need in relationships, how you feel most supported and loved, and things that get in the way.


  • Are you tired of being on the apps? Lets get you off them and into the arms of your right fit.

    This offering is for a half-hour zoom session for me to get to know more about you and your dating goals (with the help of your birth chart) in order to create a compelling and honest dating profile for you that will help you showcase your true self and get you noticed by the folks you're looking to meet.


  • For those familiar with IFS or parts work.

    We will use a similar framework to talk about the planets as different parts of ourself.

    This is a great adjunct to theraputic work, and can provide fruitful insight to take into your next therapy session.


  • Any of the aforementioned services.

    Sliding scale $80-$100

  • Got a quick question? Book a quick consult.

    There is no pre-session prep for this offering.

    $40 for 20 minutes.

Package SESSIONS &

other services

  • This is a 3-4 session package where we will deep dive a particular issue/pattern in your life over a 6 month period. We will fully examine the dymanics of this pattern, make meaning of its origins and history in your life, and brainstorm tools to intervene in this cycle to change this pattern. Each session will be tracking progress, and making adjustments as needed.