Twin Star



  • Astrology is the study of how the cosmos mirror worldy events.

    In my client practice, I use Astrology as a framework for insight into different parts of ourselves with the intention of greater self-awareness and individuation.

    It is my belief that you are your greatest teacher.

    As an astrologer, my role is to help you understand your chart, and to guide you back to yourself through a mixture of teaching, and asking questions.

Types of readings

  • Natal

    The astrology at the time of someone (or something)’s birth.

    Also known as birth chart readings

  • Synastry

    The astrology of relationships via overlaying two birth charts on top of one another and seeing how they interact

  • Horary

    The divinatory branch of astrology, Horary examines a question through the chart for the exact moment the question was asked

upcoming Events

Celestial Bodies Series at HausWitch

Multuple dates


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